Every time we enter the exhibition venue, chosen by Jewish Guild of Folk Craftsmen – we already know that something special is here, and this time we found something very unusual. The artworks presented by Anton Andreev, are far not only drawings. His works are volumetric paintings, I’d rather say 3D paintings which he makes out of leather. They are as beautiful as paintings, and inspire as much as sculptures and decorations.

His works are full of light, color, life, and positives. On many paintings he depicts flowers, which symbolize love, tenderness, lifelines, etc. Other of his paintings are rather abstract, like one about Manhattan. In order to make one of his drawings as beautiful and inspiring as it is, he used acrylic flooding, a special technique. Looking on this drawing you feel that water and boats drawn.

As Anton explains, his leather works as not made of material he specially bought for this. They are mostly made of recycled coats, clothes, etc. Yes sometimes he uses “texture paste”, “Polymer clay” as some other artists too, then he covers all in black paint and then paints in acryl. One of finishing touches is made by spray. He explained about difference paints he uses even one which is fabric paint. Also he mentioned that he uses many tools, such as foams, sticks, but not the brush.

Like many guild’s members, Anton received education in other field then arts. In his case – it was St Petersburg Naval Institute with concentration in submarine navigation. Anton has been working in this field before immigration. In USA – life turned him into the religion and he became a pastor. That’s why, he is also known as “Tony Blessed” Besides arts – his mission is to bring kindness and positive feeling to people, as well as to save them from depression, from dependencies, and other negative feeling. And he does this job and it support his inspiration. Once upon a time he had seen a lot of talented people who come to his church around himself and started to pray for tier success. As a result, they started to thrive as artists too.

Then once G-d gave him direction “Maybe you are artistic too? Try it” and Anton listened to this direction, made some research on internet, among his friends, showed him how to make crafts from leather – and Anton caught these techniques. This became and absolute surprise for his friends. Year later Anton and found that he can draw himself with oil paint, with acrylic paints, etc. Then Irina, the friend of his wife Tatiana told him about Our Guild, and that’s we are all on his presentation. Anton finds both techniques and inspiration on internet. He draws and paint both for soul and for living.

His story of suddenly becoming as artist seems like magic happened took place, and there are many similar cases among guild members. Many people start to express their feeling in art, and many of them start it even after turning 70. That’s G-d will, that’s why it’s never late to try yourself as an artist.