Is there life for an artist without the exhibition space? NO – is the answer, but in todays’ time of worldwide pandemics, many creative people came to the solution of performing and exhibiting their works by means of online meetings. However, not all our Jewish Guild artists find it suitable. Yes, we do run our meetings (which were indoor before March 2020) on ZOOM platform, just like whole today’s world does. City Library still not allow indoor meetings at full capacity, as they usually ran in Kings Bay Library.
But here we came to the most artistic and creative solution. Since summer 2021 NYC Department of Parks and recreation allowed us not only to exhibit our artworks in the Marine Park of Brooklyn, but also to run arts and crafts workshop for children there.
Art in the Park, June 13, 2021
In these videos: All the art workshops with children, are conducted by Zinaida Kelebeyava. Adult masters’ drawing posted on the tennis court fence are the artworks of:
Alexander Solovyov, Zhanna Averbukh, Anton Andreyev, Regina Averbukh, Fira Razina, Leonid Grinberg, and other guild members.
Ilya Nathanson – Guild’s president, the man next to him – Eduard Amchislavsky from Odessa Community of New York.