Ilya Nathanson immigrated from Ukraine to USA in 1992, where he graduated: Kiev State Musical College and then Kiev State Pedagogical University. His diplomas are equivalent here in America, as a Master degree in Education.
Mr. Nathanson is one of the Founders and self-perpetuating President of the Jewish Folk Crafts Guild, nonprofit, cultural art, charitable organization. Since establishment of the organization in April 2000, – he is managing all art activities, administrative work and doing the public relations for the Guild to present the organization on all levels of the New-York City and State as well in the Jewish and Russian Communities.
The woodwork is his passion and love, a specially in woodcarving, wood-turning, wood-burning and marquetry genres. As an artisan he participating in hundreds of exhibitions, street-fairs, workshops in Kiev and New-York to promote the Folk Craft.
Mr. Nathanson is working as the Craft Teacher and Vocational Instructor more than four decades, already, with goal to involve children into the World of Craftsmanship and with purpose to encourage the future Artisans.
Today, under his leadership and participation as an artisan Guild is implementing the following projects:
1 Search and Develop of Jewish Folk Crafts -is presenting of different kind of Sabbaths Candlesticks in wood turning.
2. Develop the project “Art against the Terrorism”, dedicated the memory of 9/11 attack -is presenting the compositions “Twins” in woodcarving.
3. “Creative Kids Station” the project: “Introduction to the Craftsmanship” in progress for NYC Marine Park Community Center.

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