Zinovy Genkin was born in 1936 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Russia. He majored in electronic engineering and radio communication. After graduation in 1958, He had worked in science research companies as Senior Engineer, participated in the work of Polar Expedition. After immigrating to the USA in 1990, he worked for High Voltage Company in L.I., then 10 years for New York public schools. In 2003 he retired.
He is fond of photography with childhood. The subjects are the most diverse: landscapes, animals, interesting ( not famous) people, the architecture of cities (especially old ones) and everything else that caught his attention as photographer. Most Photos are taken during his travels. First in the Soviet Union and later in North and South America, Europe and Africa, Canada and Chile, Argentina and Peru, Ecuador and Costa Rica, Paraguay and Honduras, Guatemala, China and Thailand, Turkey and Cambodia, Israel and Egypt, most of Europeans countries). With the advent of digital photography, he decided to go to college and get an education in computers and computer programs, used in photography. He continue ?S his studies in college at present.
The first award received at the National Deapositives Exhibition in Moscow, then at the Competition of Tourist Photography in Leningrad. In New York he participated in photo exhibitions at Art Gallery in Kingsborough College, at New York Libraries and Senior Centers, was awarded participating at the exhibition in Self Help Community Services of New York. Zinovy’s photographs have been repeatedly published in “Antheon”, A journal of the Arts, The City University of New York (2005-06. 2008-09, 2012-13) and in some New York’s Newspapers. Now he is working with his web site: